May 15, 2008


hi people.
it's been so long since I made my grand entrance here :D
definitely an apology will do, won't it?

first of all,
i have to announce MANCHESTER UNITED has won the title for the 10th time :D
love ronaldo. that's all I can intepret judging from their victory.

here he is :D

can you imagine how he can easily melt a girl's heart?


exam's been a bitchh. so fuck it man. seriously :(
i wonder, how do straight A's students score straight A's.
i for one, can never remember a thing for more than 3 hours.
please pay some sympathy here yo.
cause I did study. look at the books for 3849388 hours to get them into my brain.
i only slept for 9 hours altogether in two days time.
that's very little in comparison to the usual days. so
im very proud, actually :D

i finally ditched the nickname "pig" given by my sister.
soo ...

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