June 20, 2008

The Award For The Best Bitch Goes To You (:

Please just cut it out...
My gosh...dont make a scene...no one needs you here
seriously..even if YOU want to...dont go overboard...
I mean...like whatthehell? no assumptions when you dont know the true facts aight?
And yeah...your language may be superb...but so what?
With THAT attitude and APPEARANCE..its not gonna take you anywhere...
Sure...i may be oblivious to whats happening now...but hello...look who's talking?
Now now...no hypocrites aight...(:
The world doesnt revolve around you honey...
Stop wasting your time...its not like anything ominous would happen...
I mean come on...what could happen?You cursing me so that i get run over by a train?
But who am i to judge? its fate isnt it...
Dude...seriously...stop being MY MOM by telling me what i should and should not do...
Its my life...not yours...
Unless you're just too damned hell lifeless that you need butt into people's life...and do everything that has got NOTHING concerning you...
My lord. Now what? Cant stand looking at me?
Go far farrrrrrrr away then...or perhaps like i always say...
just point a gun at your big fat head and shoot yourself...
and Problem solved (:
Think about that...it'll make your life and mine so much easier...

June 19, 2008

Just Too Darn Lazie To Blog (:

Hey peooppplee...this lil thing has been abandoned for quite some time eh? since i've been a total pig these days...


Uppppddaatteee (:

Saturday, 7th June

Geentiiing baabyyy! (:

@ Pamela's Crib (:..lol
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On the way to gentttinngg peopleee
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WUI YIAN (:!!lololol....

Gerard :P

@ Hotel before Click Five
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Thats Jon...Say hiiii !! :D
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Next Day. . .Sunday, 8th June

lololol...WaiLoong act cute sialll :P

Gerard & Kah Kit

JieYi & Amanda
Ruined...by my...
Sorry Jon... Dont kill me :P
I LOVE YOU..lololol

Family yoohh
Pam & JieYi
Amanda (;
Sista and Jon
Gerard ;)Guys..lol
Wui Yian..Pam & Gerard
Jon's oogly foot =p
Boon Shung (:


Thats all folks (:

Monday, 9th June

School blues...bla bla blaaa...

Friday, 13th June

Chin Lee baby turns 16 (((((:




Sleep over @ Maxine's

*Pics will be uploaded soon as well*

Bear with me =p

Sunday, 14th June

Out with the 'rents to The Curve

Watched The Hulk...a "not bad" movie i'd say...heeee

Tuesday, 17th June

After rotting my butt off in school for a total of 6 hours...
Gerard (: came and picked me, Sista, ChinLee baby and Valerie sayang up after school...
Wheee...he bought me Maccy Dee's with extra BANANA AND APPLE PIE (:
I LOVE YOU LA GERARD...lol...and great...thanks for making me FAT ==
Dropped ChinLee at her place and waited for her to change while i did some serious pigging out in his car and off we head to The Curve..
Walked around with Gerard..while The girls went for their lunch at Sakae Sushi =="..
DISGUSTING UGLY RAW PIECE of THING...seriously..i dont get why people love sushi...
Call me weird but i absolutely HHHHAATTE sushi...lol...or rather i just cant stand it being raw...
Okay anyway skip that...bought a new pair of heels (:
Dropped Pam back at skool at 4 cause she has tuition..
asked Gerard to drive us to Bangsar for a lil shopping...hahahs...crazy idea cause its HELL far and wayyy too last minute...as ChinLee would say "Cheryl arh...you know newspapers said that petrol price increased already?"
huh?? HUH???! HUUUUHH?!!!
Lol...i know its hell expensive la woi...
still surprisingly he agreed...ngeh ngeh
Pampered sial no? hehehes :P
Bla bla bla....went to a boutique...tried on loads of clothes...
but only ended up buying a hell gorgeous dress...for a friggin reasonable price...
Wanted to shop more however had to get my big butt back at school at 5.30 since mom's gonna pick me up and Val had to go home...so yeah...
Gerard sent us back to school...ChinLee followed me home...since i stupidly suggested that both of us should go exercise...
Kononnya exercise la...all we did was walk == so much for losing those fats...*COUGH*
LOL...after an hour or so...got home to get ready for Terry's....went over to Jessica's while elder bro sent ChinLee home...
Thats about it...will edit the post sooner
or later :P
WELL..what do you expect yeahhh?
im a f*ckin lazie bum..and there's nothing you can do bout that...lol

