October 18, 2007

Of lame-ass dreams...

cheryl ohh cheryl... She's been updating so often, make me feel like a fatty boom boom, sleep and eat all day long only. :x anyhoos, i had a dream. A bad one! i dreamt that my brother and her girlfriend BROKE UP. *touchwood* Gosh, is it some kinda six sense of mine or is it just a random dream of mine like in previous, i was chased by a freaking HUGE dinosaur. AND another one, i found loads of $50 in a plastic bag on a bus seat. LAME MAN . i alrdy can predict cheryl's reaction. She will go all "dahling ar, lame people has lame-ass dreams" . == i just know her! wait til she has her lame-ass dream. :b

By the way, I just noticed it's so tough to manage two blogs, eventually, you'll be running out of topics to talkk about. Again, i feel like a fatty boom boom , one with no brain. SERIOUSLY WEIH, i feel like killing alrdy.

til then......
p.S : i am so bored!

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