January 5, 2008

f c u k.

GohKarMan Here (=

girlfriend. i know youre sad about your new schoolS. but its okay wan you know. like i said, school is to 'study'. whenever you don't feel like studying or you wanna ponteng, ill be the one that accompany you all the time okay. i promise you. whenever you don't understand anything about your studies,call 012-340xxxx any time. ill be there for you although u're smarter than me. but at least i had experience PMR. hahahhahaa. well, i just got home from add maths tuition. not that sucky lah. sooo, u must be strong also kay. just don't ditch the so-called fat girl. today was the first-day-of-school. everything is gonna be okay on the second day! :) :) :) i survive in this complicated world longer than you. so, believe me,goh kar man. & tzeyi, when am i gonna see you again? like what the toot, miss you so much lah deng. i bet youre confusing about your school. and i know youre pissed off by your mum. everything is gonna be great. greater than everything, anything. your life is way better than mine. as a friend, dont disappoint me. LOL . after everything is settle, come sleep-over & we'll talk til 5:30 am . kekekakkaka. i hope youre smiling now,cause this is the first time im so diligent. i put so much love,care and effort in this post. i swear i think and i type this myself. without copying and stuff. & this is the first time i didnt stop while typing. means, i do really care about my girlfriend! laugh out loud.
omfg, this is just so sweet. :D don't BNN first, i will sob like an ass. my current problem is way more complicated than yours. even you stonned when you heard that. i can smile and cheer you up now. so, dont SOB la sobber. its better to be a stonner or loner than a sobber.
its about 12:07 now. is time for.. ahem ahem * gotta go.
Bye & i love you.

mrs,wuchun <3

Love y'all! and definitely love The Bachelors & The Bachelorettes.

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